Normel |
Prohram |
Matrics |
Answer |
2x + 3y - 5z1 = -7 |
clc |
X = |
3x + 2y - 2z2 = 1 |
clear |
1 |
5x + 2y - 3z3 = 0 |
close all |
كسور عشرية |
format shortG |
MthLab |
¬ Z3 |
معاملات |
A=[2 3 -5; 3
2 -2;5 2 -3]; |
Y = |
z1=(2*x+3*y+7)/5; |
¬ Z2 |
ثوابت |
B=[-7;1;0]; |
2 |
z2=(3*x+2*y-1)/2; |
K=inv(A)*B; |
z3=(5*x+2*y)/3; |
¬ Z1 |
X=K(1); |
Y=K(2); |
Z = |
Back |
Example5 |
Z=K(3); |
3 |
Back |
Example6 |
X',Y',Z' |
Prohram |
OR:¯ |
Basic |
clc |
clc |
[x,y]=meshgrid(1:0.1:3,1:0.1:3); |
syms x y z |
z1=(2*x+3*y+7)/5; |
®®® |
[x y z]=solve(2*x+3*y-5*z+7,3*x+2*y-2*z-1,5*x+2*y-3*z) |
z2=(3*x+2*y-1)/2; |
z3=(5*x+2*y)/3; |
Prohram for soluation
liner equations |
surf(x,y,z1); |
clc |
hold on |
syms x y z |
surf(x,y,z2); |
f1=input('pls type the first equation ','S'); |
hold on |
f2=input('pls type the secod equation','S'); |
surf(x,y,z3); |
f3=input('pls type the third equation ','S'); |
on |
[x y
z]=solve(f1,f2,f3) |
%press on intersecation point to value |
x = |
[1] |
- x') |
y = |
[2] |
After Run |
- y') |
z = |
[3] |
- z') |
MatLab2015a |
لمعرفة قيم المجاهيل x , y , z |
clc |
syms x y z |
f1=2*x+3*y-5*z==-7; |
f2=3*x+2*y-2*z==1; |
f3=5*x+2*y-3*z==0; |
[x y
z]=solve(f1,f2,f3) |
x = |
1 |
y = |
2 |
By: |
Graph ® |
z = |
3 |